- ambidexterity
- [ˌæmbɪdeks'terɪtɪ]
сущ.1) амбидекстрия, двуправорукость, способность одинаково хорошо владеть правой и левой рукой2) многосторонность; расторопность3) двурушничество, двуличность
Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.
Англо-русский современный словарь. 2014.
Ambidexterity — is the state of being equally adept in the use of both right and left appendages (such as the hands). It is one of the most famous varieties of cross dominance.Although ambidexterity is rare, ambidextrous people may still gravitate towards… … Wikipedia
Ambidexterity — Am bi*dex*ter i*ty, n. 1. The quality of being ambidextrous; the faculty of using both hands with equal facility. Hence: Versatility; general readiness; as, ambidexterity of argumentation. Sterne. [1913 Webster] Ignorant I was of the human frame … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ambidexterity — (n.) 1650s, from obsolete adjective ambidexter two sided, using both hands with equal facility, also double dealing, from M.L. ambidexter (see AMBIDEXTROUS (Cf. ambidextrous)) + ITY (Cf. ity) … Etymology dictionary
ambidexterity — ambidextrous ► ADJECTIVE ▪ able to use the right and left hands equally well. DERIVATIVES ambidexterity noun ambidextrously adverb ambidextrousness noun. ORIGIN from Latin ambi on both sides + dexter right handed … English terms dictionary
ambidexterity — noun Date: 1592 the quality or state of being ambidextrous … New Collegiate Dictionary
ambidexterity — /am bi dek ster i tee/, n. 1. ambidextrous ease, skill, or facility. 2. unusual cleverness. 3. duplicity; deceitfulness. [1645 55; AMBIDEXTER + ITY] * * * … Universalium
ambidexterity — noun Property of being equally with each hand (from the idea that either hand is like the ). See Also: ambidextrous, dexter, dexterity, dextrous … Wiktionary
ambidexterity — The ability to use both hands with equal ease. SYN: ambidextrism. * * * am·bi·dex·ter·i·ty .am bi (.)dek ster ət ē n, pl ties the quality or state of being ambidextrous * * * am·bi·dex·ter·i·ty (am″bĭ dek sterґĭ te) the ability to … Medical dictionary
ambidexterity — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun Lack of sincerity: artificiality, disingenuousness, insincerity, phoniness. See HONEST … English dictionary for students
ambidexterity — n. ability to use both right and left hands with equal ease … English contemporary dictionary
ambidexterity — am·bi·dex·ter·i·ty … English syllables